The babies are doing really well. I can't believe that tomorrow they will be one week old already.
Today Everett got moved into a crib to see if he can keep his temperature up which is one step to going home. Emmett and Emerson will be right behind him in a couple days. All three babies are learning to nurse and Everett and Emmett are working really hard and learning pretty quick. Emerson starts off good but it's hard work and he falls asleep pretty quickly. All the babies love to cuddle and I wish I could spend all my time at the hospital cuddling them.
Emerson and Emmett had to spend some time under the bili lights as their jaundice level was a little high, but they have been taken off as of right now.
They looked so cute sunbathing with their little googles on to protect their eyes and they glowed like little glow worms.
Everett hasn't had to go under the lights yet and just snoozes away
They boys look a lot alike especially Emmett and Emerson, but it is still easy for us to tell them apart right now
It was nice to hold two of them at once, it will be even better when I can hold all three. It is amazing that all three of them fit inside my belly
Britton loved meeting his brother!! He wanted to hold the babies and couldn't understand why he couldn't
Britton doesn't understand that only mommies make milk
Daddy came up today and got to cuddle the babies. Here he has Everett (right) and Emmett (left)
Congrats! You all look so good! I'm really happy for all of you. :D