Friday, February 3, 2012

Big Boy beds!!

So after Christmas we decided to put the boys in big beds. Well really they decided since all three of them destroyed their crib tents and they kept climbing out of their cribs anyways.

One morning I walked in their room to see this after they got out of their cribs

So I had Chris take down the cribs. I also moved the small dresser into the closet and took the knobs off the big dresser. We put their crib mattresses on the floor to start. The first day when they went down for nap they threw a huge party. When I went in there to get them back in their beds this is what I found...

That night they went right to sleep since they partied through nap time. They are so sweet and peaceful when they are sleeping.

We had already planned to get them twin mattresses and we already had an extra, so we went and bought 2 more. Then we moved Everett into Britton's room since they have the same sleeping pattern. We got them new bedding from the gift cards and money they received for Christmas and moved everything around. We did this one day when they were at preschool and when they got home they were surprised with new beds. We left the triplets mattresses on the floor for now, since they fall out of their beds multiples times still. Once they stop doing that we will get the frames out and put them up.

Emmett and Emerson's new beds
Everett and Britton's new beds.

I also went and got thermal curtains for both rooms which makes it really dark even during the day. To my HUGE surprise they don't have much problem laying down and going to sleep. I was so scared that when they got big beds they would have a party every day. But most days they go right to sleep and I am so thankful for that.

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